Search Engine Marketing Korea

The average Korean has more bandwidth, is online longer, and is quite efficient at extracting information out of the web. You would assume that their 스포츠중계 tool of choice would be Google. You would be wrong!

Quick overview of US Search Engine Market:
To Search Engine Marketers operating in North America and UK, the process of finding information is relatively straightforward. Go to Google or Yahoo, type in a query, look at the results. There is a choice between organic and sponsored listings( yahoo paid inclusion not withstanding), and most people pick one of the top few.
Eons ago, web designers in US wanted to show off their skills and had graphic heavy sites. Unfortunately for them, their bosses who were more interested in using the website as a sales tool, soon found that the fancy graphic sites took so long to load up on Janes dialup connection that she just went to the competitor to buy that widget. The content sites, who wanted to maximize their CPM revenues also wanted fast loading pages. Fast load, more page views, more money. Substance reigned supreme over style. Minimalism was the order of the day, and given the deep emotional scars people carry from...

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