Poker has one rule that is much more important that any other: every player is to blame for all he or she does with the cards in their hand. It is never about luck, its about them and how they play. You must not ?????? let others influent your gaming style. If you do that you will be at their hand. They can manipulate your
What Do I Do With All These Packets Of DIP
What Do I Do With All These Packets Of DIP Mix? It seems that everyone uses dip mix but me. Ive managed to accumulate quite the collection of dip mixes. (Ranch, jalapeno, Mexican, etc.) What can I do with these other than make DIP? Signed, Drowning in Dip Dear Drowning in Dip, I hear you! I find myself in the same situation. But, I ended up with m
Window-Dressing: How to make your own wallpaper
Gone are the days of limited mobile phone customisation, when all the possible modifications come with the cellular phone package as it is bought, or have to be bought separately at the store. Aside from the many stylish accessories out in the market, such as cellular phone covers, casings, and straps, you can also make use
Tips For Improving A Wireless Home Network
A basic WiFi home network can be assembled fairly quickly. However, many homeowners aren’t aware of all the options available for making their network better. The wireless network can have its capability, performance and security improved. Consider these tips for improving your wireless home network. 1. Upgrade or rep
The Dolphin Drug
Dolphins are aquatic creatures that have close resemblance with porpoises and whales. As of present time, there are at least forty species seventeen genera of these continental shelf dwellers. From thefamily of Delphinidae, these highly-intelligent critters’ body can expand from four feet up to 50 feet. Meanwhile, the